
Founder and CEO at Pander - we're using machine learning to personalize and automate the use of everyday online services, freeing up both time and cognitive bandwidth for our users

Morgan Stanley

Analyst in the Firm Strategy and Execution group, working on defining overall Firm strategy and executing principal M&A transactions.

Before Morgan Stanley, I also spent time working on the Aadhaar initiative, at Nestlé Switzerland, and at Feedback Infra.

By Alex Proimos from Sydney, Australia (Morgan Stanley Headquarters) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Harvard University

Class of 2013

A.B. cum laude in Physics and Mathematics, Secondary in Computer Science

Additional coursework in Economics; also a member of the Harvard Cricket Team, competing at the American College Cricket National Championship in 2013

By Ingfbruno (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Other Interests

  • Huge sports fan - of virtually all the sports, with cricket, football (the soccer variety), badminton, tennis, and basketball taking the top 5 spots.
  • I'm also proficient, to varying degrees, in six languages (of the human kind) and six other languages (of the programming kind).
  • Frequent traveler and untrained photographer - highlights from some recent trips below

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